Project results [28.01.2019]
HERE you can directly access our results, which will continue to be updated on an ongoing basis.
End of project duration [30.11.2018]
The official term of our FWF research project has now come to an end. After 4 years of project work, we would like to thank all cooperation partners and study participants for their support!
Further award within our project [12.01.2018]
Our project collaborator Cornelia Strecker, MSc, was ceremoniously awarded the "Research Promotion Award of Hypo Tirol Bank AG 2017" worth more than 2000,- Euro by the LFU Innsbruck on January 11, 2018. We are very happy about this award and wish much success in the related sub-project!
Awards within our project [11.12.2017]
Our project collaborators Dr. Alexandra Huber und Melanie Hausler, PhD, were ceremoniously awarded the "Jury Recognition Award of the Best Student Paper Award 2017" by LFU Innsbruck on October 19, 2017. We are very happy about their work and this award. Further details and links to our articles can be found under Project -> Results.
All surveys within the FWF project are completed [22.03.2017]
All qualitative and quantitative surveys of medical students and physicians have been completed. The prizes of the medical students' and physicians' raffle have been distributed and have arrived at their recipients. The medical students' prizes will be awarded by the end of April. Many thanks again to all our participants for their support and time invested!
Happy New Year 2017 [02.01.2017]
We wish you a great start to a healthy new year 2017! Our project is now slowly turning into the home stretch. Accordingly, the quantitative physician surveys have been completed for a few days and will be comprehensively evaluated and published in the coming months. Many thanks to all our participants for their support and time invested! The prizes will be drawn shortly.
Information on qualitative surveys [14.12.2016]
Between mid December 2016 und February 2017, we will conduct qualitative surveys at LKH Innsbruck to supplement the questionnaire data collected. These will be carried out by means of visits in the daily work routine and interviews with physicians from various departments.
November 22: Start of the last online survey for physicians at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall [22.11.2016]
On November 22, our last survey wave for T1,T2 and T3 has started. Duration: until December 31, 2016. You have received the link to the survey by mail.
The prize draw and the awarding of the thank-you gift will take place in January 2017. We look forward to numerous participants!
Drawing of the doctors' prize draw June/July 2016 [31.08.2016]
Among all participants in our raffle, 10 winners were drawn. The winners were notified by email today. Congratulations!
August 06: The survey of physicians at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall is completed [07.08.2016]
We would like to thank all participants for their support! The prizes will be drawn shortly.
June 21: Start of the new survey among physicians at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall [15.06.2016]
On June 21 we start with our next survey wave for T1,T2 and T3. Duration: until and including August 06, 2016. You will find us next Wednesday, June 22, as well as on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - at noon - with an INFO-stand in the refectory area of the LKH Innsbruck. You will receive the link to the survey by mail. We are looking forward to your coming and numerous participants!
Article by our project manager Dr. Stefan Höfer at [17.05.2016]
In the course of the Glück.tage in the region of Kufstein, Dr. Stefan Höfer gave an interview to the magazine weekend on the topic "What makes us really happy?". You are welcome to read the interview under the following link:"
Blog post by Cornelia Strecker, MSc on the topic "Generation Y: Cuddle course in the hospital?" [17.05.2016]
On the Beyond Health career management blog, our research associate and PhD student Cornelia Strecker, MSc supported a post in the form of an interview on the topic "Generation Y: Cuddle Course in the Hospital?". You are welcome to read the blog post at the following link:
April 05: Second wave of survey of medical students completed. [07.04.2016]
After the survey period was extended at the request of some students, the second wave of the survey among first- and third-semester medical students at the Medical University ended on April 05, 2016. We would like to thank all the participants for their support.
January 22: Start of online survey of medical students at the Medical University of Innsbruck. [20.01.2016]
On January 22, the second online survey for medical students in the 3rd semester and the first survey for medical students in the 1st semester will start.
Emails with participation links will be sent out on Friday, 22.01.2016. We are looking forward to numerous participants!
January 15: End of online survey for physicians at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall [15.01.2016]
The survey period for physicians at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall has ended. We would like to thank all participants for their support!
November 16: Start of online survey for physicians at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall [16.11.2015]
On November 16, the online survey of physicians started. The survey period runs until January 15, 2016.
All those who already participated in May/June were sent the link to the follow-up questionnaire (2.part of the longitudinal study) via email.
The INFO stands for the current survey took place on 16.11. and 01.12. in the refectory area of the LKH Innsbruck.
October 14: Start of online survey of students in the KPJ [14.10.2015]
The first online survey of students in the KPJ was launched on October 14, 2015 and has been completed since mid-December 2015. Many thanks to all participants! All KPJ students enrolled at the Medical University of Innsbruck have received an email with a participation link at the beginning of their studies.
If you did not receive an entry link, please contact
Drawing of the lottery [10.09.2015] The winners of our June raffle at LKH IBK / Hall were drawn and informed today via email. Congratulations!
Nationwide survey of physicians in training [05.08.2015] At the beginning of September 2015, the first Austria-wide online survey of all physicians in basic / rotation or specialist training will start in cooperation with the platform
IBK & Hall | First online survey of physicians in training is completed [09.07.2015] Our first online survey phase for physicians in training in Innsbruck and Hall has ended. We would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the survey!
WELL-MED on the platform [24.06.2015] Since the beginning of the week, the WELL-MED project is represented on the platform for young physicians in Austria by and its social media channels.
Article on the homepage of the Medical University of Innsbruck [18.05.2015] Visit the article about the WELL-MED project on the homepage of the MUI. Click here to go directly to the article: Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit von MedizinerInnen
Info booths about the project in Innsbruck and Hall [13.05.2015] On Monday, 08 June 2015, we will be present in the refectory area of the LKH Innsbruck with an information booth. We look forward to seeing you there! On Wednesday, June 03, 2015 we will be represented with an information booth in the refectory area of the LKH Hall. Please feel free to drop by! The second information stand will take place on May 18, 2015 in the refectory area of the LKH Innsbruck. The first information stand will take place on May 13, 2015 in the refectory area of the LKH Innsbruck.
May 18: Start of online survey for physicians in training [11.05.2015]
On May 18, 2015, the first online survey of residents and interns will start. The planned survey period is 6 weeks. All residents and interns at LKH Innsbruck and LKH Hall will receive an email with a participation link at the beginning of the study.
If you are a resident/trainee physician at IBK or Hall and have not received a participation link, please contact
Survey on well-being and health in the general population [30.04.2015] A large survey on well-being and health in the general population is currently running until mid-June. The results are expected to be available here on the homepage by the end of the year.
If you would like to participate in the survey, please feel free to contact us.
First survey of medical students completed [01.03.2015] The first survey of medical students has been successfully completed and the results are available for analysis. We thank you for the numerous participation!