
This study is a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study that will take place over a three-year period (January 2015 - 2017).
Our focus is on medical students and physicians in training:
  1. Medical students during their studies,
  2. Students in the clinical practical year (CPY) and
  3. Doctors in training (doctors in their basic year, assistant doctors and general practitioners) as well as specialists.
The survey will be conducted via an online survey at three measurement points. Another random sample of CPY students and residents will be analyzed in the form of observational interviews. Furthermore, ten "expert interviews" will be conducted with instructors of CPY students and residents. Here, the focus is on organizational framework conditions as well as on the experts' assessments of the character strengths, well-being and health of their trainee physicians. The various work observations as well as interviews complement the self-report data from the questionnaire studies and provide deeper and more content-specific insights.

The following constructs are collected in the survey:
    Character strengths
  • Identification of signature strengths
  • Application of strengths
    General well-being and health
  • General Well-Being
  • Personal well-being
  • Life satisfaction
  • Health
    Working conditions
  • Training conditions
  • Demands / stressors / resources
  • Social support at work
  • Sociomoral climate
  • Patient safety/care
  • Gratification crises
    Work-related well-being
  • Work engagement
  • Burnout
  • Sense of purpose
  • Job satisfaction
  • Conflict work - private life